Unemployment Benefits Ended, Now What?

Earlier this week, COVID-19 unemployment benefits ended for millions of Americans across the country. If you’re one of the many who was impacted by the end of benefits, you may be wondering what to do now. If your first step is to find a job, here’s what your next move should be: 

Think about what your career goals are 
Before you start filling out applications, it’s important to understand what your current career goals are and what you need from your next employer. Some questions you may want to ask yourself include: 

  • Am I looking for a temporary or permanent position?  

  • Will I be comfortable returning to an office or working on-site somewhere?  

  • What do I need in terms of pandemic-related support? 

If you don’t answer these questions first, you may inadvertently waste your time and the hiring managers time by applying for positions that aren’t right for you.  

Update your resume 
If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your resume, now’s the time. Your resume is often the first impression your prospective employer will have of you. By providing a clear, concise document detailing your work history, you’ll impress hiring managers and stand out amongst the competition.  

Start your job search 
Now that you've updated your resume and understand what your career goals are, you can start to browse available jobs. Because Deerfield has roots in the hiring and staffing industries, we know that it’s not always simple to just “find a job.” That’s why we provide (free) consulting services for job seekers and work closely with candidates to help them find the right position.  

If you’re running into challenges when searching for jobs on your own, consider reaching out to a partner like Deerfield for assistance. Besides providing consultation, we often hear about jobs before they’re advertised because of the relationships we have with clients. This is a great opportunity to get your resume in before other candidates.  

Consider all options 
On average, it can take 5 months to secure a new job. If you find that you need an income source before landing the job you want, consider picking up temporary or short-term gigs in the meantime. Industries like hospitality, retail, clerical, accounting, and more are all friendly to utilizing temporary workers. In addition to making extra money, you might learn that you enjoy a more flexible schedule that often comes with temporary work. Not only that, but you can try out different positions, industries, and clients before you decide what you really like.  

Make a decision with confidence 
The first 90 days of employment are key for both employers and employees. This is the time where you’re making sure you fit in well with the culture and your colleagues. If you change your mind in the first three months of employment, you’ve wasted valuable time you could have spent working at a job that’s better suited for you. When making your decision about what position to take, make it with confidence and know that this is the job for you.  

With unemployment benefits ending and the holidays quickly approaching, it’s likely that a flood of job seekers will enter the market. In order to stay competitive, we suggest filling out applications as soon as possible. If you want a trusted partner who can guide you through your job search, contact Deerfield Employment Solutions today.  

About Deerfield 
Deerfield Employment Solutions is a full-service staffing firm specializing in the placement of career professionals in various industries including accounting + finance, healthcare, hospitality, warehouse, and administrative. 


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