10 Jokes That Will Make Recruiters Laugh This Week

As a recruiter, your role is key in helping businesses grow and scale their teams. And sometimes finding the perfect candidate (or let’s be serious – candidates) for a client comes with a lot of pressure. Not only that, but sifting through dozens of resumes and applications can only add to the stress of the job. We all need a little levity from time to time, especially when work gets tough. We put together 10 jokes that are sure to make recruiters laugh to brighten up your week.  

A man comes to interview with a recruiter for a lumberjack position: 

Recruiter: Do you have any experience as a lumberjack, sir? 
Man: Yes, I used to work in the desert. 
Recruiter: But there are no trees in the desert! 
Man: Exactly – there are no trees... anymore. 

Why did the recruiter turn down the Invisible Man turn for a job? 

They couldn't see him doing it. 

Recruiter: What drives you?  
Candidate: The bus mostly. 
Recruiter: I mean what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? 
Candidate: Missing the bus! 

recruiter says to a job candidate, “In this job, we need someone who is responsible.” 

The job candidate replies, “I’m the one you want. In my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I was responsible.” 

recruiter asks an applicant, “How long were you in your last position?” 

The applicant replies, “I guess I’d say my biggest weakness are my listening skills.” 

I was in a job interview today when the manager handed me his laptop and said, “I want you to try and sell this to me.” So I put it under my arm, walked out of the building and went home. Eventually he called my cell phone and said, “Bring back my laptop!” 

I said, “$200 and it’s yours.” 

“I quit my job working for Nike. Just couldn’t Do It anymore.” 

During a job interview yesterday, I poured some water into a cup, and it overflowed slightly. 

“Nervous?” asked the interviewer. 

With a smile, I replied “No, I always give 110%.” 

“I think my job interview to be a bug sorter went well. I ticked all the right boxes and boxed all the right ticks.” 

I was interviewing a candidate today and asked, “How would you describe yourself?”  

The candidate replied, “Usually verbally, but I’ve also prepared an interpretive dance.


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Ask Deerfield: What are Recruiters Looking For?