6 Quick Tips for People Entering the Workforce Right Now

If you’re a recent high school or college graduate or haven’t been employed for a while, entering the workforce can seem stressful. For the first time in recent years, the employment landscape benefits the job seeker instead of the employer – meaning it’s a great time to look for a new opportunity. Not only that, but with millions of open jobs available across the country, there are lots of options to choose from.  

That said, the market favoring job seekers doesn’t mean you can show up (figuratively or literally) to an interview ill-prepared or send an out-of-date resume. That’s why we put together 6 tips for those getting ready to enter the workforce to make the process feel less daunting.  

Consider making multiple resumes 
If you’re unsure what position or industry you want to work in, it’s wise to create a few different resumes that accurately reflect your employment goals. For example, you wouldn’t want to use one resume when applying for a finance job versus a restaurant job. Consider what type of work you may want to do, and then design a resume that showcases your relevant skills. (And don’t worry, here are some tips for creating an eye-catching resume.) 

Find a mentor or begin to network 
Having a person (or community) who can provide career advice or help you make connections is useful when entering the workforce. Ideally a mentor can help guide you and steer you in the right direction if you have questions.  

LinkedIn is a great resource for making connections, so be sure to set up your profile if you haven’t already. You can also reach out to family or friends who either work in your desired industry/position or know people who do. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to stop by a business you’d like to work for and ask a few questions – just remember to be COVID-safe and respectful of their time.  

Don’t limit yourself 
You may have a concrete idea of what job you want or who you want to work with, and that’s great! But you never know if there’s a position or employer that’s better suited for you. Since the current market favors job seekers, it’s worthwhile to explore what’s out there. You never know if you’ll find something that ticks boxes you didn’t know you had.  

Ask prospective employers what their COVID response has been 
Hiring managers may be asking you how you managed through COVID-19, and you should absolutely be doing the same. Their response and how they treated employees is a good indicator of how you could be treated in the future. Ask questions like, “What was the communication process like?” or, “Was there anything you’d do differently?” to gauge their responses.  

Be patient 
Patience is the name of the game in 2021. Expect managers to be a little backed up due to the hiring shortage across the country. Showing a little patience and understanding can help you stand out amongst your competition.  

Don’t forget about your soft skills 
Sometimes candidates can forget how important soft skills are to landing the job you want. While technical skills – your abilities that help you accomplish certain tasks – are important, soft skills are what can separate you from not hired and hired. Soft skills are the character traits that make you a great employee and can include good communication, empathy, and active listening. Make sure to put your best foot forward by showcasing the great soft skills you have.  

Entering the workforce (even if it’s just for the first time in a while) can be stressful. Use these tips to make the process easier and help set yourself up for success.  


Did you know that Deerfield Employment Solutions can help you find a great new work opportunity? We work with candidates around the country and connect them with businesses who are looking to grow their teams. Contact us today to learn how we can elevate your job search.  


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