In-Demand Jobs in Healthcare, Accounting, and Hospitality in 2021

Is ‘find a new job’ on your list of goals for 2021? Studies show that the best time of year to look for a job is January and February – so if you’ve been considering making a career move, now’s the time.  

Because Deerfield operates in the accounting + finance, healthcare, and hospitality industries, we’re sharing the most in-demand jobs for each sector and what you need to know.  


The finance industry experienced ups and downs throughout 2020. Many struggled with losing their jobs/income while also feeling responsible for helping small or local businesses stay afloat. Most can agree the common theme running throughout was money management, which is why we expect these jobs to be more in-demand than ever:  

Finance Manager
A Finance Manager is responsible for the overall financial welfare of an organization. With so many companies needing to recover from lost revenue, it’s no wonder that this key role is in high demand. If you’ve got the skills and experience, this position can earn you on average almost $100,000 per year and offer job growth and security. 

Often reporting to the CFO, a Controller oversees all accounting-related activities, including creating and implementing budgets, reporting, and payroll. There is always a demand for talented Controller’s, but the need has increased because of the importance placed on budgeting this year. Candidates can expect a similar average pay as a finance manager, but with a wider range from low to high, likely because of the variety of industries that require this position.  


The pandemic quickly reinforced how vital healthcare staff is. As the country continues to face thousands of new cases every day, the nationwide shortage of healthcare professionals has become more apparent. As we’re healing in 2021 – literally and figuratively – the healthcare industry will be seeking out the following:  

Registered Nurse (RN)
A report published by the National Library of Medicine estimates the U.S. could face a shortage of “154,018 RNs by 2020 and 510,394 RNs by 2030.” Those numbers, predicted in 2017, have likely been compounded due to the challenges the healthcare industry has faced because of COVID. Whether you’re new to nursing or have previous experience, there are opportunities available across the country seeking hardworking talent –– especially if you’re willing to travel.  

Nurse Practitioner (NP)
While Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners typically have similar duties, the main difference is that NPs need at least a master’s degree. Seeking this further education can lead to a higher salary (think three digits as opposed to two for RNs) and more options for where you can work.  


The hospitality industry was one of the industries most affected by COVID-19, with thousands of workers laid off and businesses shuttered. Even now, many cities are still experiencing closures and shut downs. Fortunately, there are businesses in the hospitality space who will be hiring these in-demand positions in 2021:  

QSR Managers
Quick service restaurants (QSRs), known more commonly as a fast-food restaurants, faced less challenges early on in the pandemic due to their to-go/take out nature. As people continue to turn to these casual options during the pandemic, restaurants will be hiring to handle the traffic as well as the turnover they’ve likely experienced due to this year’s challenges. If you’ve got foodservice experience and want to remain in the industry, finding a job as a QSR Manager is a great way to move up the ladder.  

Kitchen Manager
Even before COVID, the need for culinary professionals was high. Restaurants are often looking for workers who can handle the heat of the kitchen while creating a great product for guests. Not to mention the ghost kitchen trend driving this demand. Where you work will determine what sort of culinary position you have, meaning there are a variety of jobs to fit your experience.  

If career advancement is a priority for you this year, there’s no time like the present to get started on landing the job you want; and with these positions in-demand, there’s lots of opportunity to find the position that’s right for you.  


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